My Story

10 02 2010

My story of how i got into dancing was way back when i was really little. When I was 7yrs old my mom took me and my sisters to a party. It was her friends little daughters birthday. When the party got later into the day people started dancing and looking at then and the different kinds of ways they were dancing and the beat ant the rhythm were so good. Ever since then music became my center, eventually i  got the hang of the rhythm and studied videos and practiced in my room in the mirror. then my mom noticed how much i spent on dancing she then signed me up for dance, for competing nationally. took me 2 years to become leader and ever since i was 9 i was a leader and i never lost a competition, to this day i have 52 1st place trophies Dance

About me

10 02 2010

well my name is Jennifer Rodriguez. I am a senior at canyon view high school. I have 4 Sisters and 3 Brothers. My parents are divorced since 2001. What I like to do for fun is hangout with my family.they mean everything to me. My mother and I are real close, we joke around together What I love to do on my spare time is watch Disney movies by myself but sometimes with my brothers.I am a chill back person i really don’t like to party i am a girl that likes to hangout at home and watch movies or play board games.